I know that the laws vary from state to state, but where I am, you can get your permit at age 15. A permit basically means that you can drive in your state with a sober adult over the age of 25. Because I live in a rural place where driving is very helpful, my mom and I wasted no time getting my permit. (You have to have your permit for a year before you can get your license and I want my permit as soon as possible.)
We went down to the Department of Motor Vehicles so that I could take the test which I must pass before I can get my permit. The first part was an eye test and the second part was a 20 question multiple choice exam on the computer. The test it self was relatively easy (if you'd read the book they give you before hand) but it was a little nerve racking. I could get 4 questions wrong. Most of them were common sense, but there were a few things regarding specific laws that I was just like "WHAT?" to.
Good news is I passed! And at this point I really don't have any bad news. I drove around a parking lot for a while, made it home with out hitting anything, I have a shiny permit with an ok picture and am one step closer to my permit. I do have some words of advice for those who still have to take this (or something like it where you live)
1. READ THE BOOKLET. This may not seem important, but it has all the answers in it. And all the people I know who didn't pass the written test never read it.
2. Bring everything necessary. Actually bring more than necessary. The only things that they told me I needed were 2 ID's. Well it turns out that beside that, I also needed my social security number and proof of residence.
3. You can either take it on the computer or you can take it pen and paper. I say take it computer because they have these lovely pictures that can sometime help. For example, my friend got one that was "Do bicycles go with or against the flow of traffic?" She wasn't sure, but she clicked to enlarge the picture and it showed her. However, if you're one of those people who really likes having pen and paper in your hand, you could ask for it that was too.
4. Take online practice tests at home. They have questions that, if not exactly the same, are very similar. And if you get the answers wrong, they will correct you with the right answer.
5. Read the booklet. It will help. I promise. It was made by the same people who made the test. It has most everything that will be in the test. If you do well without having read it, you are either very informed on the subject, or a lucky guesser.
6. Breath, relax. I read somewhere that 50% of kids don't pass my states on the first attempt. If you don't pass, you can always take it again!
I know that many of you who read this have already had your permit and now have your license. Words of advice? Things learned from experience? How about the driving test? Was it hard? What about Drivers Ed. Is it as painful as everyone says?
Awesome! Congratulations on getting your permit!!
I will be taking the test in may, so thanks for the advice!
Ugh, you lucky rural kids!!! my cousin lives in Iowa, and you can get your permit at 14! I have to wait till 15 and 9 months (weird, i know) and then get my license at 16.
Congratulations though!! and thanks for the tips.
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