I have these awesome glasses that I love and need for seeing things far away. However recently I've been contemplating getting contacts. Why should I get them if I love my glasses? I think that they would be very helpful onstage. Directors say there will be no glasses onstage. I understand that, but I would still like to be able to see. I have explained this to my parents but they seem to think that I can see "good enough".
Pros of Contacts:
*They don't get in the way of your view.
*They don't blur or fog.
*They don't change how you look.
Pros of Glasses:
* They require little work.
*They are pretty affordable
*They come in many styles to fit personality.
I love my glasses but I would like to try out contacts for a change. Anyone out there who has contacts and would like to give me an opinion? My parents say that contacts take a long time to adjust to, and that they aren't worth the amount of money we'd spend on them if I mainly planned on wearing them onstage. Still, I'd like to find a good argument for them.
Ps. This morning at 4:24 I turned 15!
Happy birthday!! I've had glasses since I was 2 1/2, so I can't imagine not wearing them. I have lots of friends who wear contacts, though. One of my friends just switched to contacts and loves them. They require more work and are a little hard to adjust to, but they're worth it, at least for her. Pertaining to your wearing-contacts-on-stage situation... I have 2 friends (they're sisters) who do a lot of acting and theater. They both wear glasses regularly, but if they're in a play, they put on some contacts. I think that if you're acting enough, it would be a useful investment. Also, I'm not sure if these exist, but I wonder if they have cheapy contacts, sort of like the reading glasses you can just buy at the drug store. These might be able to help you see well enough for the show, but without costing too much.
I am one of the glasses wearers. I have not tried contact lenses because I only need them for distance and I take them off when I look at things up close - like school work. does this matter? I was just wondering if this was a problem with them.
I just don't wear glasses on stage, but maybe you need them more than I do, so maybe contacts should be bought just for the performance and can be kept for certain occasions when they may be needed.
What are your opinions on laser surgery?
Happy happy birthday, Emma! My birthday is this week, too...que coincidencia. :D
Aaaand I'm going to join the band of unhelpful glasses-wearing people. I've had glasses since I was maybe seven, and I've gotten progressively blinder since then. So, in the eighth grade play, I found myself clinging to the arm of my "daughter" so she could lead me through the dark to where I started the scene and spent the rest of the scene grateful that there weren't too many other people on stage with me, so I could tell them all apart. Not ideal.
I wanted contacts like, forever, but my mom wouldn't let me get them because they screwed up her eyes. She eventually changed her mind, but at this point, I feel kind of naked without my glasses so I'm not so sure I want contacts now... But as for the idea of cheap contacts or whatever, that's really risky, because you're putting these things in your eyes so if they're low quality, there's a higher chance of permanently damaging your eyes (not to be scary, but it's what happened to my mom...)
Maybe if you came up with other recurring situations that would be good to have contacts for, your parents would be more likely to not mind spending the money?
I have, like snowflake, had glasses since I was 2, and an't imagine not having them. I am an actor, and normally ignore my HORRIBLE eyesight onstage and go without my glasses. I have considered contacts, but have decided to live with my glasses.
I wear glasses, and they're okay I guess, except it's annoying when I can't see anything while swimming. But I would never wear contacts, because I just would never be able to put them in my eyes -- I'm squeamish of things like that.
Emma, I agree wiht Snowflake; glasses would be a useful investment if you act a lot. ^^
Haha, am i the only one who wears contacts? I have had them for about 2 years, and i love them. It really only took a week or two to get used to them and now its a cinch. Mine are called oasis, and you can sleep in them, which makes everything super easy. Also, everyone says that they can get super expensive when you have to replace each set every two weeks, but no one does. Most contact wearers only change pairs every 4-6 weeks, which really minimizes the orders that you have to get of them. I really only order them once, maybe twice a year. Also, I got them for a birthday present, so it wasnt like we were spending extra money.
Good luck, and whatever you choose, remember you can always switch.
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