Just recently the first Passover to be attended by a president at the White House was held.* Obama and a small gathering of his friends, family and staff joined together to celebrate this Jewish holiday. Though we haven't yet had a Jewish president, it's nice to know how much is changing.
Passover celebrates how, when Moses sent plagues to try to free the Israelites from Pharaoh, the Israelites marked their door frames with blood from a sacrificed lamb to recognize not to kill their sons. By doing this, they were 'passed over'.
Though Passover was actually Wednesday at sundown and on, my family had our Seder today. (Because we were all at different things at the actual time the past few days and we aren't all that religious, (my mom's christian and my dad's jewish)). We prayed, and sang, and ate. It's nice to have traditions some of which are typical and some of which aren't to look forward to every year.
I suppose that while I'm on the subject of holidays, I should mention that today is Good Friday and this sunday is Easter. Good Friday is when Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified. Easter is believed to be the day he was resurrected. I'll try and talk more about my Christian side on Easter.
Also, like usual if you would like to write about Passover, Easter, or any other holidays that your family celebrates, I'd love to hear about them at gwebbies@gmail.com
*corrected on April 11, 2009
Actually, Emma, I'll have to correct you on one thing, and that's that seders have been held at the White House before, but this is the first time the president has attended :)
My family is Jewish and somewhat-but-not-really observant, so we celebrate Passover and did our seders the past 2 nights. It's fun, although I miss my bread :(
thanks snowflake, i'll go back and correct that!
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