It's been an exciting little bit for Vermonters and Gay Rights Activists everywhere. Last week the bill for same sex marriages passed the Vermont Senate and the Vermont House. Governor Jim Douglas vetoed the bill like he had forewarned he would. This left us in suspense. Though it had originally passed the senate by quite a large majority, it hadn't quite made it to two thirds in the house. This morning the senate revoted and once again passed it by a large margin. Passing the house was going to be a close call but it made it by 100 to 49, which is as close a call as can be to still be made a law.
Congratulations!! And I hope that more states will be close to follow. Keep me informed with what is happening in the states/ countries around you by emailing gwebbies@gmail.com
1 comment:
Yay!! I'm very pro-gay rights and for same-sex marriage. I live in Massachusetts, the first state to allow it, so sometimes it's easy for me to forget that in other states, gay couples aren't so lucky. But we're really on the road to making it happen here. Iowa proved that it's not just New Englanders who care about gay rights, and all the power to them for doing that! I think the system of having each state vote on the issue separately is a good one; although I'm pro-gay marriage, I realize that a large percent of the population isn't, so each state should vote on it.
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