Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools

Yes, I realize this is a day late, but how else could I hear about all the pranks you played? 

Unfortunately, I didn't get to play any pranks worth talking about but some people I know did. In the french class before mine, a kid took the teacher yellow and red warning cards and stick them in jello. One of my friends broke up with her boy friend via face book, to see people's responses and went a whole day, before telling people that it was a joke. 

This year was not a particularly eventful year for april fools, but some years have been! What pranks did you pull this year? What is the best prank that has ever been pulled on you?


Marly said...

Well, this year was pretty interesting for me!
In Spanish class, we turned every desk in the classroom upside down and turned off the lights before the teacher came in. When she came in, though, she was really mad. But I thought it was a funny joke.
In social studies, at 2:00 everyone got up and left the classroom and then walked back in. Our teacher seemed kind of mad, but he kept on reading the book he was reading to us.

Emma said...

Haha I love walkouts. Unfortunately they only work if absolutely everyone goes along.

It's too bad that your teachers got upset. Mine all seemed fine with little pranks because it was april fools.