Monday, June 29, 2009


As you are probably aware, most other blogs have polls on them. I thought it would be cool to add polls on our blog. The only reason I don't have one up now is because I can never think of any good questions.... What are your thoughts? Is a poll a good idea or is it boring? If we got a poll, would you all spam the inbox of with your creative questions? Please?


♣icefox♣ said...

In alot of posts, you ask people questions and want them to comment with their answers. So instead of putting a question in a post, this time put it in a poll.

margaret said...

I think that's a good idea, but at the same time, it's nice to hear people's original thoughts and more personal responses. Do you think that putting up a poll could hinder that? Maybe if we changed the poll only once or twice a week it wouldn't be a problem?

hannah.r.freedman said...

So this is a poll about whether or not we should have a poll?
I think we sort of already have polls. That is almost every post. Most posts tell a little story or talk about something and ends with, what do you think? I am not entirely sure how a poll would be different, except in format.

Emma said...

Ok. It sounds like we've vetoed the poll thought. What agree with Mags that it's really nice to hear peoples own individual opinions. The only thing that could be different about a poll is that it could be about things we didn't feel a whole post was necessary for. (ex. favotites, or things that require a one word answer)