I am so so so sorry I have taken such a long pause from you all. I wish I could say it will not happen again, but with busy lives I'm sure that it will. What have I been doing? Let's see. I took 6 finals (the last of which finish at 2:15 yesterday), organizing a camp I am running for kids this summer, filling out varies application and still trying to sleep.
Now that I'm back, I was looking around my friends' blogs to see if they had any creative ideas. A funny idea I saw was a weekly WTF. He takes some weird food or idea or something and just talks about how random it is.
Weekly WTF- Crocs
Who ever thought to take foam, pock holes in it and call it a shoe? I mean, I think they're really comfortable and I do wear them on occasion. But really? They come in almost every color and style ever thought of. You can get flats, flip flops, rain boots, even high heels? There are even going around that crocs are edible (though I wouldn't recommend eating them...).
What are your thoughts on Crocs? Pretty, Comfortable, Tasty?
Yes, they are weird. But I do have a pair, but they're brown Mary Jane Crocs, so they're more versatile. The Crocs company should have stopped at ballet flats, though, because the high-heels? Isn't that insane? Won't the heel break? What really bugs me is Crocs ripoffs.
The 3 inch heels look surprisingly stable though I'm not really sure when you'd wear foam heels....
Rip offs of all things bug me, but I understand why people would want cheaper things. However, most often as the brand changes the quality goes down.
My sister has 3 pairs of crocs. (Well actually I think she lost one pair). But she and her friends mis match the bands and wear different color shoes to really make a unique statement. For example, she'll wear her green croc with a purple band with her purple croc and and orange band.
She has lots of those jibets or what ever they're called. A monkey, a couple flowers, a turtle, peace sign, and aa few others.
Crocs -yeah, they're a strange idea for sure. A really strange idea. But I like 'em. Since my feet have grown since last summer from a 5 to a 7, I won't be reusing my old Crocs, but I'll most likely be getting new ones -and NOT the rip-offs! Don't get me wrong, inexpensiveness is usually a great thing. But not when the quality of the shoe goes down.
as for who thought of them, crocs were originally nurses shoes, designed to be easily disinfectantable. i personally have no respect for them at all, i think they are hideous, but hey! to each his/her own.
Everyone deserves to have their own opinion, but I certainly think they look terrible. they aren't even comfortable and they are super expensive, for what they are. my other hang up about them is that they actually aren't that safe to wear and there aren't that many purposes for them.
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