Three days ago Michael Jackson the "King of Pop" died of cardiac arrest at age 50. Within the next few hours 28 of my friends status's were about him, the first time since the inauguration that they all had the same thing one their minds. Mostly "RIP MJ, I'll dance thriller in your honor" with the occasionally "The creeper is dead." No one could quite seem to believe that this seemingly immortal star had died so young. Now I agree that a life is a life and death is tragic especially with his three young kids still around, however what has he been doing to himself over the past few decades? No one quite knows but he can't have been healthy. He went from this strong dark teenager to a bleached white figure. He has had numerous plastic surgeries. Is it because of health reasons or simply because he was never happy enough with how he looked?
Death does funny things to the world. Before MJ died, most people I knew believed him to be a terribly sick minded person. Yes, they liked his music but no one supported him or called them selves a fan. Yet as soon as he dies, they all start thinking about how sad it was, and how tragic it is for him to die so young. They can't believe that this child prodigy turned world famous star could possibly die. Are they just trying to make up for years of slamming his mistakes or did they always feel this way and its just starting to get out? But this isn't unusual. It seems to me that when ever some one dies people always jump aboard the sympathy train like they were behind them from the start.
A little digression: When someone commits suicide it is often because people treat them terribly. Yet as soon as the person is dead, everyone was their best friend. They talk about how much the person influenced them and how they looked up to this person. Why couldn't we just realize that if we were all kind to them before hand, another life wouldn't have been lost? Be kind to everyone. Please.
Recently I feel everyone is dying or becoming pregnant. (No I'm serious, it feels that way!)

Farrah Fawcett passed away in the hospital surrounded by her friends and family the same day Jackson died. For quite some time she has been battling cancer, but that doesn't make her death less devastating. She is best known for being in the TV series Charlie's Angels. Very recently she made documentary Farrah's Story about her battles with cancer. It seems that she was always loved, so it's sad that her death was almost shadowed by MJ's death. We'll miss you Farrah!

This morning TV salesmen Billy Mays was found dead at home. No one is quite sure of the cause yet, though the autopsy should be complete by tomorrow. He too was only 50. He was known for his "boisterous hawking" of things such as OxiClean and Orange Glo.
oh my god, you have no idea how many people are telling me its a conspiracy. how everyone keeps dying. seriously, the same day MJ and Farrah Fawcett died, i heard 4 more rumors of people dead. Ridiculous stuff too, Obama, Oprah....the world was going crazy.
There was also Ed McMahon a few days ago...what a week.
They're all dying. In one week.
Billy Mays, frankly I could care less about (I apologize if I offend anyone who is somehow related to him or whatever), but MJ? Farrah Fawcett? Ed McMahon? Sure, Farrah Fawcett's pin-up legacy isn't my thing, but her fight with cancer is so admirable. And MJ, despite all his quirks, changed the music industry inexplainably (the man practically created music videos!) And Ed McMahon -God, I've watched so many Johnny Carson episodes on DVD and they are such a pair!
I also want to touch upon the suicide thing. I couldn't have said it better myself. One comment can send someone into a downward spiral, and I've seen personal accounts of just how badly that comment has affected them. Please think about what effect you could have before saying something mean. Please.
How could I have missed Ed McMahon dying????? When was I? I'm going to add him to the post if one of you lovely people would be kind enough to email a short (it can even just be a few sentences) paragraph to gwebbies@gmail.com
hannah- conspiracy? i haven't heard that one. Most people I know just say that the apocalypse is near. but they're just joking.
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