Netflix has a selection on movies that you can watch online with just a click of your mouse. Though it's a relatively old feature of netflix, only recently has it become available for macs and only more recently have I started using it.
The Pros
-You can pick what you watch
-Like the normal netflix, it recommends things it thinks you would like
- It works where ever you have a computer
-The movie loads within 5 minutes
The Cons
-If you have slower internet, it often stalls out in the middle
-The quality isn't supreme, especially if you want to watch it in full screen
-There are no chapters or ways to move it efficiently
-The movie options that play instantly are limited
Overall, though I feel like it is flawed, the option to watch instantly is great. I'm not a particularly patient person so if there is a movie I want to watch or if I'm just home alone, I put on a movie. Though it sometimes takes a while to load, it's a nice thing to have while I'm doing other things online (such as blogging...). I also don't have television which makes this seem a whole lot better. If you do have TV, I would probably just stick to your shows and movies that don't stall out in the middle. Otherwise, I would definitely recommend that you give Netflix Instant Movies a try.
I have something like that called Roku. It's made by Netflix, and you can watch movies and TV shows instantly, but instead of on your computer, you watch them instantly on your TV. It's great!
Cool! How does it get to the TV? Is the quality good? Does it come free for anyone who already has netflix?
ugh, i wish my computer was fast enough to do this.
btw, emma, i seem to have lost my posting privileges. can you help me?
Hey hannah, I checked and I think that if you use your gmail it should work, but if that doesn't send me an email.
Yeah, the quality's great. Of course, not every movie and TV show is available on Roku. You pay for the Roku box, and hook the Roku box up to the TV.
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