Friday, June 19, 2009

The Great Debate: Video Games

There have been many studies showing that children who play violent video games grow up to be more violent. But why all the fuss over video games? It's not often that that you hear about books or movies causing kids to fight, so why would video games be different? Even before all these graphics people played violent games involving killing people to rise to different levels.

However, not being a gamer myself or knowing much on the topic I can't say much. What do you think? Do video games influence how kids act? Why is this any different from playing D&D with friends?


Serafina said...

There is a difference from violent video games, and other violent thing such as books or movies--in the video games kd ARE being violent, not just witnessing it. In video games, you ein by being violent. I think that that is the reason video games have an impact on kids.

hannah.r.freedman said...

eh, i dont think that video games influence how violent a kid is, kids will always try to mimic their elders, thats where the violence comes from. i do think that video games are kind of a waste of time, i know many people who sit inside and play video or computer games instead of playing outside or doing something more productive.