Monday, March 30, 2009

Friends for Everyone

I was looking for ideas of things to blog about and one suggestion that I got was the friends that some day you'd like to met. That got me thinking and I decided to make a list of friends that I think everyone should have. I have already found some of them and some of them I hope to find some day.

The List: In No Particular Order

1. A girl who's always there for you NO MATTER WHAT.

2. Someone who knows your views and whole heartedly agrees.

3. Someone with completely different opinions to share ideas with. 

4. A guy who tells you that you look pretty no matter what, in a non lovey way. 

5.  A friend who doesn't mind relaxing and being immature once in a while. 

6. A college (or older highschool friend) who's been though what you're going through and will give advice without judging

7.  Someone you know who lives perhaps in another state so you can tell them all the drama and problems in your life without worrying that they'll know who you're talking about. 

8. The friend who's arms you can fall into for a hug always, at anytime

I know that I'll think of more to add as time goes on. What about you guys? What type of friends should every person have? I know that there are many more to add to my list because one can never have to many friends. 

9. Somebody who is practical and down to earth yet sympathetic, to put your problems in perspective. -Snowflake


Snowflake said...

Fantastic list. I TOTALLY AGREE. One thing I'd add is someone practical and down-to-earth, but also sympathetic. The kind of person who listens to your ranting and raving about your soap-opera life but gently puts it back into perspective.

So who have I found? I've found #5, friends who don't mind relaxing and being immature once in a while, #6, older friends who've been through things and can give good advice, and #8, the friend who's always there for a hug.

I guess I'm still looking. I haven't found a soulmate yet, but I have a couple of friends with whom I can really be myself, and the older I get, the more I'm able to identify what qualities I want in a friend. So it's not perfect, but I'm on the right track :)

Snowflake said...

I have a question for all you high schoolers.. does it get better? I mean, it seems like you all have such great friends, whereas at my age people are more... figuring out who they are, I guess. I don't know. I'm just curious.

Emma said...

Well, I'm not sure that I can vouch for the typical middle school experience (I had 8 people in my class all of whom were very solid and the best of friends) but high school is a good time. There are more people, so you are constantly loved. Also, people are much more upright with their feelings. There are no games of revenge, no playing hard to get. (well i suppose some people still do that one). If you don't like someone, then you just hang out with different people, if you like someone, you can go ahead and ask them out. In middle school, we were friends but we didn't have the self confidence to realize who we were without the friends.

Not sure how much this answers your question, but high school is like on busy, crazy, stressful party :)

Snowflake said...

Thanks, Emma! That's pretty much what I've heard, so high school definitely sounds like something to look forward to :)

I Wonder What This Thing Does said...

Hi! I am yet to find a friend just like me. Though I have one who will listen to me and I can talk and talk and talk to about stuff.

Also, is there anyone who can explain the American school system? Thanks. I have got to go.

Snowflake said...

I Wonder, I feel exactly the same way about friends :)

The American school system... you start at age 5 in kindergarten, and then you go through 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade, when you graduate from elementary school at age 11 (although in some schools you end elementary school in 6th grade, or it goes until 8th). Then you go to middle school or junior high from 6th to 8th grade, and you graduate from that at age 14. After that is high school, which goes from 9th to 12th grade, and you graduate at age 18. After high school, many Americans choose to go to college, and most of the universities here are either 2 years or 4 years for an undergraduate degree. Anyway, you're from Australia, right? What's the school system like there?