This day began in Sydny, Australia in 2007 when millions of homes and business's turned off there lights for one hour to promote energy awareness. People of all nationalities from all parts of the world have pledged to turn of their lights this year. Many famous land marks and cities that never sleep will be dark. So I'm asking you to take part in this also. For one hour from 8:30- 9:30 on Saturday, March 28 what ever time zone you are in I am asking you and your families to turn of those T.V's, pull the plug on the computer's and black out the lights in your house.
Fun things to do in the dark:
1. Take a shower in the dark. Or you could take a bath with candles around it. It's really nice to Technically this still requires using power because water takes power to pump but it's still fun.
2. Ok, perhaps it's only me, but simple things that I normally don't enjoy are so much more entertaining in the dark. For example, try cleaning your room with Absolutely no light. It's really funny.
3. Have a dance party in the dark. It's fun to be able to dance with out worrying that people are looking at you (especially if you're like me and can't dance at all)
4. This was most definitely the most fun of all of them. My sister and I each invited a friend over to celebrate Earth Hour with us. Then we played Sardines with them. My sister and I had a slight advantage over our friends because we knew the house, but it was totally different playing in the dark. ( I walked into our couch.) For those of you who don't know, Sardines is like the opposite of Hide and Go Seek. One person hides and every one tries to find them. Once you do find them, you secretly go into hiding with them.
My friend and I were both stealthily crawling across the floor trying to find my sister, (we had to crawl because we couldn't see where she was) when we both felt a hand touching the other. We both started screaming and then collapsed in a heap laughing when we realized it was the other person.
Will you flip the switch? Do you have any other idea's of cool ways to spend the hour? General thoughts on the climate?
For more information go to earthhour.com
Wow, those are really fun ideas! I should totally try those!!! Love the Sardines idea, by the way -so fun! And the dance party... I can't dance either, so being in the dark gives me a major advantage :) LOL as for general thoughts on the climate, I believe in global warming, but I think it's mostly due to natural climate changing trends. But it is DEFINITELY being aggravated by our excessive greenhouse gas emissions, so we should definitely work to reduce those.
I've never done Earth Hour, but maybe I will this year! It sounds like a good way to educate people about energy conservation, and it helps save electricity too! These ideas sound cool.
Yeah, I've also never done it before, but maybe I will this year. If not at that specific time, then definitely I'll set aside another time to do that. It sounds very cool!
Last year was my first year and it was so much fun!
Snowflake I agree with you that global warming is in part a natural change, however I believe that due to our use of fossil fuels and emissions we are WAY past the point of natural cycle.
I have heard arguments for both sides though.
XDD to the cleaning with no light!
I am so happy Earth Hour is being so publicized this year. I campaigned to bring it to Baltimore last year, and this year finally got a meeting with the mayor about it. Its going to be huge!! i am very very excited.
That's awesome Hannah!! I'm so glad you're making change in your city! My town is this little town in middle of no where Vermont so it wouldn't be as cool if I did that.
hey, you know what they say, every little bit helps!
Emma, I agree with you on that, I still thing it is in part caused by natural trends, but our emissions are, as you said, bringing it to an unnatural point. I think what annoys me about this topic, though, is the way some people really hype it up. I totally believe that global warming is a big deal, and we need to take steps to combat it, but some people seem to be turning it into something bigger than it is. That's just my feeling about it; I welcome yours!
Hannah, good for you! We don't do that in my town but we have an (insert my town name here) Unplugged day, which is very much like that except we can use lights, and it's for a whole day.
I told my mom about Earth Hour. I think I'll definitely try to do it this year!! Thanks for the heads up!
I'm going to be away on a trip so I don't really have any way to join in, but I did this last year. It's a pretty cool thing...if I still lived in the city (that'd be New York), I'd be interested to go for a walk during it and see whether people were participating. (Like, how many lights were on and stuff.)
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