Monday, July 6, 2009

Bye Guys

Hello everyone.
I just wanted to let you know that I'll be gone for a week at dance camp. It will be super fun I hope, and I'll let you know more about it when I come back. However, because I don't want to leave you without posts for a whole week my little sister (by little I mean almost 13) Rebecca will be blogging for me from my account. I'll let her tell you more about herself when she blogs and I've given her some ideas to talk blog about.


Snowflake said...

Oooh, cool, have fun!!
Rebecca, nice to have you blogging here! I'm 13, going into 8th grade, so I'm not too much older than you. I'm also on New Moon, so maybe you know who I am (although in all likelihood you have no idea :)

APersonNamedSara said...

I'm also 13! Going into 8th/9th (I'm homeschooled) I'm Sara2 on New Moon :)