Honestly, what girl hasn't worn nail polish? I even know some guys who have worn it! I actually really like the idea, it can just be for fun, or it can express your mood. I painted mine red and blue for independence day! But really, when was this weird fashion started? Actually, it originated 3000 BC in China! Of course, then it was used to represent social class, and I doubt it came in a little bottle with a mini paint brush to help you apply it. Modern nail polish, actually is a variation of car paint. I like nail polish, but it is such a bizarre idea! What's really the purpose of it?
I guess it's one of those strange aesthetic novelties. Like, when you think about it, it's totally pointless, but really fun. Actually, my nails are pretty nonexistent, so I haven't painted 'em for years.
I love nail polish! I always wondered, who the heck started it? But it is kind of weird- like applying pigments to your external body parts containing keratin? Really?
The fact that it originated from an ancient tradition reminds me of piercings. To the best of my knowledge, metal piercings started in tribal groups. Metal was supposed to protect you against evil spirits. But today peircings are way more decorative. go figure the crazy evolution of our world.
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