I know that and_then_hannah_was_all_like recently posted about how she is having an exchange student come for a whole year. My exchange girls are only here for a week but already we've had tons of fun. I live in New England and they live in Quebec but it seems like 2 different worlds. I really speak english and they really speak french. I've only lived in the country, they've only lived in the city. Despite this, we instantly clicked. A simple thing like making dinner turns into a language experience. Trying to explain what things are causes fits of laughter. (It's not that they don't know what things are, it's just trying to find the equivalent word in french.) Saying "trrram-poo-leen" took like 20 minutes. Yesterday, I read their french fashion magazines, and *gasp* discovered that even with a language difference the trashy things from here are the same as the trashy things there.
How many languages can we speak total on this blog? Have you ever tried to use the languages you learned at school in a real setting? How'd that work for you?
Lets see...I can speak English, Spanish (pretty well), and Hebrew.
The Spanish in real life worked out really well, I managed to get around Ecuador last summer, from the food, to the hotels to the public transportation. Even you arent a flawless speaker, most people still appreciate that you took the effort to learn their language.
Well... I'm learning Hebrew.
Wow, that it so cool!!
I speak English (duh), Hebrew (I'm almost fluent), and a bit of Spanish (still learning!)
lol, so many jewish people. i am so not surprised.
Haha yup, I am half jewish half christian but because of that I don't speak Hebrew.
However, I can speak English, a good amount of French and a tiny bit of Esperanto.
Speaking french with them is good, though they speak really really fast. THe hardest part is that in school we don't learn sayings and slang and other "things" teenagers talk using.
Now we're up to a little bit of at least 5 languages!
lol im also learning Hebrew and i understaned russian and english^^ i took 3 years of french and 1 of spanish but learned nothing :P lol
wow, ok, i feel the tiniest bit ignorant, but what is esperato?
Esperanto is a language that incorporates many of the most widespread languages into one. It doesn't have grammar rules or weird conjugations and is therefore supposed to be very accessible. Perhaps I shall do a post on it soon!
6 languages?
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