Saturday, March 28, 2009


Also be aware, today is Earth Hour! From 8:30- 9:30 your time, please consider turning off your lights to raise awareness of the growing problem of global warming. 


I Wonder What This Thing Does said...

I was out camping during Earth Hour!

Emma said...

During Earth Hour I went contra dancing in the dark!

and_then_hannah_was_all_like said...

I will post stuff later about how Earth Hour went in my city, but i accomplished a lot! i finally got interviews with the major news stations like the day before and then started hearing back from everywhere!! i dont know how much you guys know about Baltimore, but the aquarium is a huge part of our skyline that everyone is really proud of because its funky shaped, but that went out too. so it was pretty cool.

Snowflake said...

I was in New Jersey for a bar mitzvah during Earth Hour :)

Marly said...

Awh, I forgot about Earth Hour! Wow I'm such a fail lmao.