It's supposed to be an especially bad year for them. They are disgusting and even worse, can carry diseases. I'm sure you all know about them, but just be careful. If you find one on yourself, have someone pull it off with tweezers and make sure that all of it is gone. Watch the spot to make sure that nothing happens. If it was a deer tick (the little tiny ones) watch for a big red ring that may form even a month after around it. That would be a sign on Lyme Disease.
Finding a tick on me may have been one of the single grossest moment of my life. I woke up and saw a bug on my side. Not realizing it was a tick, I tried to brush it off. It held fast, though its legs started moving in place. When I came to the realization that it was a tick, I scream bloody murder. 'MOOOOOOMMM, THERE'S A TICK ON ME. HEEEEEELP!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I'll admit I may be a slight drama queen, but it was horrible. She came and got it off quickly, peroxided the spot and stuck a band aid on. Now 2 days later, the spot where it used to be is very tender and looks like someone welted me with a brand. I'm not sure whether this is natural or not (I think not) but I'll go see the nurse tomorrow.
Either way, be careful of those ticks. They're not something you want sucking you blood.
and for you all who have never had it, lyme disease sucks. big time.
I'm going to Cape Cod with a few friends soon and it's tick season, so I've been freaking out. Thanks for the good tips :) Actually, my dad's colleague's son was just diagnosed with Lyme Disease :( Ugh. Hannah, you imply that you've had it before -YIKES! THAT MUST HAVE BEEN AWFUL! INEXPLICABLY TERRIBLE!
yeah, it was pretty bad. and they say that once you have it, it is always in your blood stream. i hope you dont get it!
Snowflake, you'll have so much fun in Cape Cod! Just check yourself frequently and everything will be fine. Um, also, ticks like "warm moist dark" areas, so make sure to remember to check every where.
Hannah: Once it's in your blood stream does that mean you can't get it again?
I think my friends and cousin have gotten it more than once.
yeah, exactly. once you get it, there is always the chance of a relapse. thats why people who have already had it are more likely to get it than someone who hasnt had it before.
Emma: Oh, God... warm moist dark areas? If I get a tick please God let it be in my armpit...
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