Monday, August 3, 2009

Dream Vacation

On Saturday, I saw a bunch of my friends for the first time all summer, and it was pretty great hearing about all of the awesome places that they went. From as far away as Taiwan, to as close as the snowball stand, they all had stories to tell. Thinking about this, I started to wonder about all of the places in our world and how amazing it would be to go. So here is your challenge. Describe your dream trip, where, how you get there, and with who. I can't wait to hear all about them!


Emma said...

My dream vacation has actually been planned out since like 7th grade. Me and my very best friends. (There would be 4 of us total) would make a huge deal out of traveling cross county in a really old cheap hippie van which we will convert to veggie oil. There will be a website for out friends back home to track us and so we can give it out to interested people we meet. There wouldn't really be much of a schedule but lots of time for picture taking where ever we went and hopefully we'd make it to the west coast by the end. The best part is there's a good chance this can happen junior summer (that way we could even through in some college visits...)

There are so many more places I'd love to go but honestly, if my friends are with me I could sit home all summer and be happy.

Snowflake said...

I don't have just one dream vacation, but many! I mean, how can you choose from so many amazing places? :)
A few of my top dream destinations are Hawaii, New Orleans, France, and Spain.
However, I'm also a huge fan of driving trips. One in particular that I'd really enjoy is a trip down South to Nashville, New Orleans, etc. (I've been to the eastern seaboard part of the South before.)

And RandomLogic... THAT IS SO COOL! Love, love, love that trip idea, and you're so lucky that it could happen next summer!