Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Top 5!

People pick favorites. Whether or not they matter, whether or not people should, they do. I'm wondering what: 
Your Top Things to Do When You're Bored? 

Favorite Color? 

Best Day of the Year? 

Biggest Pet Peeve?

Sorry... I had to ask favorites sooner or later... 

1 comment:

Snowflake said...

Top Things to Do When I'm Bored: read, write, go on the computer, watch TV, take a bike ride, listen to music

Favorite Color: yellow

Best Day of the Year: 4th of July

Biggest Pet Peeve: for a serious pet peeve, I am insanely peeved by ignorant, prejudiced, and/or bigoted people. Period. For a lighter peeve, I harbor a strong hatred for hand sanitizer (I mean, why not just wash your hands?!?!) -don't even ask :)