Monday, January 26, 2009

Bratz Dolls Make Girls Want Big Heads

I recently watched a video, (at the link above)  that spoofed on the effects that Bratz dolls have on girls self confidence. At first I thought this movie was really just funny, I mean why would Bratz Dolls give people body image problems making them think their heads are to small? But then I watched more and it mad me really sad... I know that the whole thing that if Barbies and Bratz were human, they wouldn't really be able to be alive, but is it possible that some girls believe that's how they are supposed to look? To me the dolls were never anything more than a fun toy. But I guess that to some people, they are more. Is it really possible that our culture is sad enough that girls are growing up hitting themselves in the head with books to make their faces swell? 

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